Aerolase laser: Experience the Latest Laser technology
Kathie lee gets aerolase neoskin rejuvination
The Aerolase Neo is an aesthetic medical laser that enables treatment of all skin types and tones for a full range of aesthetic and medical conditions including skin rejuvenation and tightening, hair reduction, acne, rosacea, spider veins, nail fungus, and more. Uniquely gentle, the Neo’s patented 650 microsecond technology delivers high energy in short pulses to allow custom treatment without pains, burns or bruises.
As skin ages, dermal quality can worsen causing enlarged pores and lax skin. Unwanted conditions such as redness, veins, sun damage, and age spots may become prevalent. NeoSkin is an aesthetic medical laser that enables a comprehensive treatment addressing the tone texture, redness, pigmentation and laxity, of the skin in a single treatment with a single device.
Whether you are looking to restore your clear, youthful skin or prevent signs of aging, NeoSkin can help achieve your skin goals!
How NeoSkin works?
First, NeoSkin’s 650-microsecond energy targets water in the dermis to stimulate collagen production, which reduces fine lines, pores, and tightens skin. Then, if present, NeoSkin targets melanin and hemoglobin to clear brown pigment, clear vascular lesions, and suppress inflammation. This NeoSkin treatment is a quick, customized treatment to address each patient’s specific needs. NeoSkin is able to accomplish the results of what used to take numerous treatments and treatment methods.
How long do the treatments take?
NeoSkin treatments typically take 20-60 minutes depending on what conditions need to be addressed and how large the treatment area is (face, neck, chest). Treatment is safe, effective, and tolerable for all skin types and may be performed without any skin cooling, anesthetic, and even without the need to touch the skin.
NeoClear is a medical aesthetic laser offering patients of all ages and skin types a safe, effective, and comfortable treatment for acne using advanced 650-microsecond technology. NeoClear is a powerful acne treatment that eliminates the major factors causing acne including excess sebum production, inflammation, and the p. acnes bacteria. Previously, many different treatments, medications, or skin care options were required to address these factors, but NeoClear can achieve this with a single device.
NeoClear is a unique treatment as there are no side effects, is very tolerable for patients, and the results can be seen quickly – in as little as a single treatment. NeoClear is an excellent option for patients that do not want to take prescription medications or are unable to. Plus, with increasing prescription costs, NeoClear is an excellent, cost-effective solution for patients’ acne problems.
How does NeoClear work?
The unique settings of the 650-microsecond device allow energy to penetrate deeply into the skin within a highly safe and tolerable pulse to reduce sebum production, suppress inflammation, and destroy the p. acnes bacteria to help clear current acne breakouts and to stop them in the future. Also, the deep heating energy helps build collagen, which can reduce the appearance of acne scars and leave skin looking radiant.
How long do the treatments take?
NeoClear treatments typically take between 10-30 minutes depending on the severity of acne and the size of the area affected (face, neck, chest, torso). NeoClear is highly safe, effective, and tolerable for all skin types, all ages, and all types of acne. Treatment may be performed without any skin cooling, anesthetic, and even without the need to touch the skin.
Neoskin for Melasma
Melasma and Hyperpigmentation are multi-factorial conditions that involve the epidermal melanin, dermal melanin, and vasculature, often requiring a complex treatment regimen to achieve clearance and prevent recurrence. The Aerolase Neo, however, can help patients of all skin types and tones achieve clearance with fewer treatments.
How does Aerolase Neo Work?
The Neo’s 650-microsecond laser energy is delivered into the dermis and epidermis to break up melanin deposits while arresting inflammation. Due to the unique parameters of the Neo’s energy, treatment is highly tolerable with minimal risk of adverse effects compared to traditional topical or device treatments for melasma.
For patients who want an accelerated clearance of their condition, the Neo can be combined with a peel in a single treatment session. First, the Neo helps to break up epidermal and dermal pigment. Then, the peel may be applied to speed up the cellular turnover of the epidermis.
How long do the treatments take?
Aerolase Neo melasma treatments typically take 15-20 minutes. Neo melasma treatments are safe, effective, and tolerable for all skin types and all forms of melasma. Treatment may be performed without any skin cooling, anesthetic, and even without the need to touch the skin.
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Aerolase has over 21 FDA approved indications and also treats: Psoriasis, tonenail fungus, hair removal, rosacea, ingrown hairs, spider veins and scars.